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Recurrent Horizontal Transfer of Bacterial Toxin Genes to Eukaryotes

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FIG. 4.
FIG. 4.

Expression patterns of aerolysin homologues in two cnidarian species. ISH was used in order to localize the expression of Nvlysin-1b in Nematostella vectensis and hydralysin-2 (Hln-2) in Hydra viridissima. In N. vectensis the expression was restricted to distinct large ectodermal cells in the pharynx (dark blue staining). Expression started in very few cells in 2-days old animals (A) and the domain expanded with age (B: 3-days old planula; C: 4-days old planula; D: 6-days old primary polyp). Nvlysin-1b is expressed in large cells (>40 μm), which probably are gland cells (unstained round spaces inside stained cells are vesicles, E). In H. viridissima, the aerolysin homologue Hln-2 is expressed in all endodermal cells in the gastrovascular cavity as shown by blue-purple staining in whole mount ISH (F) and a cross section of a stained animal (G). Scale bars are 50 μm in panels A–D, 40 μm in panel E, 500 μm in F, and 100 μm in G.

This Article

  1. Mol Biol Evol vol. 29 no. 9 2223-2230

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