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An In Vivo Method for Evaluating the Gut-Blood Barrier and Liver Metabolism of Microbiota Products.

Jaworska, Kinga and Huc, Tomasz and Gawrys, Marta and Onyszkiewicz, Maksymilian and Samborowska, Emilia and Ufnal, Marcin (2018) An In Vivo Method for Evaluating the Gut-Blood Barrier and Liver Metabolism of Microbiota Products. Journal of Visualized Experiments (140). ISSN 1940-087X


Official URL: http://doi.org/10.3791/58456

Item Type:Article
Subjects:R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
ID Code:1667
Deposited By: Emilia Samborowska
Deposited On:12 Dec 2018 12:41
Last Modified:21 Oct 2020 22:05

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